BSides Amman 2021 Windows Forensics Workshop.

Ali Alaa
6 min readMay 22, 2023


Hello dudes,
I hope to find you well.

I started learn Windows Forensics a few month ago and this is my first time to get my hands dirty with a real image made by Dr. Ali Hadi @binaryz0ne.

Here all you wanna know about the case and related files

So, lets start….

First Question : What is the hash value for the given forensic image ?

Here you can variety tools (HashMyFiles , QuickHash or build-in Get-FileHash in powershell) but I used FTK imager.

After load the image :
1- Select image and right click
2- choose Verify Drive/Image

All hashes for image

Here we go, the answer is : 634ed59c1cf60ef0a7f62e06529b2b2d

Second Question : Which user account was used to access some confidential documents and explain in detail what proof do you have to support your answer?

After mount the image you will find file called “Condidential.rtf” in Joker profile but we need more prove so, when you open any file/app it create a file automatically in AutomaticDestinations-MS (it’s a type of jumplist) you can find about it here Link.

And user here we supposed he accessed to a file that he is unauthorized to access so, he opened it and left a jumplist artifact.

Data with Jumplist Explorer

Also, there is LNK artifact , created first time when you open file and hold a wealthy information. You can find about it here Link.

Data with LEcmd

Here we go, the answer is : user is Joker and see upper to know our proof.

Third Question : Did the user access the confidential files from a local drive or network location and what proof do you have to support your answer ?

If we saw previous screenshoot you can recognize that we have a 5 files 4 on shared network and one only locally.

If you click to see details of this file you can see these data so, if you click on Entry #:002 you can find its details and from its path you can recognize it on shared network.

Shared file Condidential.rtf

Also, you can recognize there is a file locally with same name. Here you can make sure he took a copy to his local machine and opened it.

Local file Condidential.rtf

Here we go, the answer is : file opend from local and network location and see upper to know our proof.

Fourth Question : List all the files that were accessed with full paths.

We can use same jumplist explorer to figure out all paths

All files that were accessed

Here we go, answers are:


Fifth Question : Provide two different evidence to prove that those files were truly accessed.

All what we did previously are evidences that “Joker” accessed these files truly (Through Jumplist) but Dr. Ali offered another option “LNK” files but I searched a lot for them in Recent folder and other places and I didn’t find them. But I found them finally KEEP IN MIND TO USE CMD to navigate folders because they may not appear in fornt of you.

Here we go, answers are: Jumplist and LNK in details mentioned above.

Sixth Question : Which application was used to open any of the confidential document(s)?

Here we can think to invistigate 2 places “UserAssist” and “Prefetch File”

*UserAssist = keeps all apps launched recently and hold a wealthy info about them.

*Prefetch File = file created first time when launch app and then help app to run faster and also hold a wealthy info about app.

So, from 2 places we can figure out what program used to open these files.

First place


Second place

Prefetch File

Here we go, the answer is: WORDPAD.EXE

**Note : next 3 questions related to photo file see the README file.

Seventh Question : What is the full path to the files of interest?

After mount the image file I can navigate to user profile and here what I found

Joker profile

So, here I found the “haha.png” file he informed about it.

Here we go, the answer is: \Users\Joker\haha.png

Eighth Question : What is the Volume Serial Number where the file exists?

Here I used “VOL” command using cmd

Volume Serial Number

Here we go, the answer is: 68D6–28DB

Ninth Question : What are the Modified, Accessed, and Creation (MAC) timestamps in UTC for the file?

Here I used FTK Imager to access image file and I select haha.png photo and here MAC details


Here we go, answers are :
2/15/2019, 5:00:21 AM
2‎/15/‎2019, ‏‎5:00:22 AM
2/‎15/‎2019, ‏‎5:00:21 AM

**Note : next 4 questions related to DCode.exe but it’s tricky see the README file.

Tenth Questions : Which user do you think ran the application and what evidence do you have to support your hypothesis ?

As we learned previously any program launched will store in many places like “UserAssist” so, we must investigate files related to all users file called “NTUSER.DAT” it holds “UserAssist” so, After I saw these files I figured out that only “Joker” has a program called “DCode.exe”.

But what is trick here !!
I found another program called dd.exe it’s same program but with alternative name

2 apps

(**Hint => try to hash them and compare)

so, lets investigate “UserAssist” to see it


This “NTUSER.DAT” that hold these info is located at F:\Users\Joker\NTUSER.DAT

Here we go, the answer is: user is Joker

Eleventh Question : How many times was it used?


See Run Counter column

Here we go, the answer is: 1

Twelfth Question : When was it last used?


See Last Executed column

Here we go, the answer is: 2019–02–15 05:02:12

Thirteenth Question : Where was the application located (full path)?


See Program Name column

Here we go, the answer is: C:\Users\Joker\dd.exe

**Note If there are any mistakes I did please don’t hesitate to spotlight on it to re-learn it because I’m still beginner.

At the end ,
I hope you enjoyed this writeup ❤️.

Stay in touch


