RedLine CTF Writeup

Ali Alaa
4 min readJun 18, 2023


Hello dudes,
I hope to find you well.

This is Ali Alaa and this is RedLine writeup for CyberDefenders platform’s challenge.

This is a Memory forensics challenge and if you wanna find more about this topic you can try RedLine challenge.

So, lets start….

General data about image after run “

Kernel Base 0xf8076221a000
DTB 0x1ad000
Symbols file: — — — —
Is64Bit True
IsPAE False
layer_name 0 WindowsIntel32e
memory_layer 1 FileLayer
KdVersionBlock 0xf80762e29398
Major/Minor 15.19041
MachineType 34404
KeNumberProcessors 4
SystemTime 2023–05–21 23:02:39
NtSystemRoot C:\Windows
NtProductType NtProductWinNt
NtMajorVersion 10
NtMinorVersion 0
PE MajorOperatingSystemVersion 10
PE MinorOperatingSystemVersion 0
PE Machine 34404
PE TimeDateStamp Wed Jun 28 04:14:26 1995

First Question: What is the name of the suspicious process?

I executed volatility3 command

py.exe .\ -f .\MemoryDump.mem windows.pslist

but it gave all data in not well order way so, I executed

py.exe .\ -f .\MemoryDump.mem windows.pstree

then I output data to external txt file to read it well as all process came with process id and parent process id and PIDs came under related PPID.

I analysis all PPID with all child PID and I found 2 are suspicious processes

parent suspicious process

Here we go, the answer is : oneetx.exe

Second Question: What is the child process name of the suspicious process?

I got it under “oneetx.exe ”parent process

child suspicious process

Here we go, the answer is : rundll32.exe

Third Question: What is the memory protection applied to the suspicious process memory region?

Here to know what protection memory used I executed malfind plugin.

*What malfind does is it finds a suspicious VAD memory region that has PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE memory protection in a process

py.exe .\ -f .\MemoryDump.mem windows.malfind

then I output data to external txt file

malfind result

Here we go, the answer is : PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE

Forth Question: What is the name of the process responsible for the VPN connection?

I saw a process called “tun2socks.exe” I suspected it and guessed its a tunnel to socket and I run “windows.pstree” to see its parent process and here what I found

Process result

I tried to find out if “outline” is a VPN or not ?and here what I found

Outline VPN

Here we go, the answer is : outline.exe

Fifth Question: What is the attacker’s IP address?

Here I executed “netscan” to find all connections

py.exe .\ -f .\MemoryDump.mem windows.netscan
main process

When I executed “pstree” plugin I found this is main process that initiated tun2socks.exe and here is the ip related to parent process.

Here we go, the answer is :

Sixth Question: Based on the previous artifacts. What is the name of the malware family?

From main title of challenge I guessed its related to redline stealer.

Here we go, the answer is : RedLine Stealer

Seventh Question: What is the full URL of the PHP file that the attacker visited?

After I dump process “oneetx.exe” with its PID 5896 with this command

py.exe .\ -f .\MemoryDump.mem -o "dump "windows.memmap --dump --pid 5896

Here what I found in it

Visited URL

Here we go, the answer is :

Eighth Question: What is the full path of the malicious executable?

From same dumped process “oneetx.exe” I searched for main process name in it and here what I found

Here we go, the answer is : C:\Users\Tammam\AppData\Local\Temp\c3912af058\oneetx.exe

At the end ,
I hope you enjoyed this writeup ❤️.

Stay in touch


